Most of the folks in Western Civilization don’t realize/recognize that we are in the middle of the 21st Century Crusade. It has been going on for some time. The system we have developed for our governance has been turned against us. There are those who are just unaware or unable to connect the dots. Then there are those who are aware and unwilling to connect the dots. These are the quislings and useful idiots. Those with soft hearts, soft bodies, and soft minds. Those who are the champions of cultural and moral equivalence. The traitors that Cicero spoke of moving among us and speaking the same language. These are the bleeding hearts that have invited the enemy into Our House. They will be the first to die when the hordes rise up to attack us on our own soil. The Left is full of identity groups that lend themselves to the ire of these fundamentalists and fanatics.

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Especially when the hard to kill refuse to die and start firing back. That lends the invaders to go into rage and seek blood. That’s when the NPC tards get eaten by their masters.

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This was gangster af!! 🔥💥

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Thanks for the feedback! Call it like I see it.

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You call it like your OCD devotion to your oath dictates, Brother T. Please PM me the mailing address of your FEMA camp once you get there, and I'll try to send CARE packages to meet your basic needs. Toothbrush, soap, Morton Season-All Seasoned Salt, talcum powder, Skittles, dental floss, nail file, Imodium-AD, Little Debby snack cakes, a bunch of my old paperback favorites (I got a zillion of them and don't mind if you have to repurpose them to TP) and whatever else you might want that I can afford on a paltry military retired pay.

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The place formerly known as "Great", and "Britain"

Soon to be called Al-aleazmii

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"And oh MI6 (!,) if you try to indict and extradite me..." I see what you did there, you clever assault rifle gun clinging rascally semi-steganographite.

I pity the foo.

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"Be a gimme....then dhimmi....a shim-shim shimmy....the dim bulb is dhimmied...his jimmies get jimmied." Think I heard it at a Presbyterian Sunday school, but it might have been Methodist. Me? I am stuffing waxed burlap in my ears, so I don't have to hear Pope Francis.

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